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1,054 bytes added, 06:21, 5 January 2018
/* Zoneminder integration */
: ('scale' scales the image, 100 = org size)
* should be able to integrate [ this binding] into the ZM binding
Options to ''nph-zms'' (scraped off the web, not confirmed)
mode=[mpeg|jpeg|raw|zip|single]. defaults to jpeg if nothing is entered, and to mpeg if junk is entered
format=[asf|swf|flv|mp4|mov|3gp|avi|mpegts|...*] is passed to zm_mpeg. only relevant in mpeg. defaults to mpeg.
seems to accept every format that ffmpeg would accept.
monitor=n the monitor number as in zm's web interface
source=[event|*] if source =event an event will be replayed, otherwise the live stream
time= ??? replaying can either be startet specifying monitor ID and time
event= or eventID, used if source=event to specify which one is replayed
scale=x picture size scale factor in%, defaults to 100
rate=n the actual frame rate
maxfps=n maximal frame rate
frame= n replaying starts at the nth frame of an event
bitrate=x no detectable influence. only relevant in mpeg
ttl=n don't know
replay=[gapless, all]
connkey=x is used by streams through the web interface, don't know what it is
buffer=n no visible effect.
auth, user, pass used when authentication is used.