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207 bytes added, 21:38, 9 December 2017
*** in ''OSGI-INF/org.openhab.binding.marlinfireplace.internal.MarlinFireplaceHandlerFactory.xml'' add <pre> <<reference bind="setMqttService" cardinality="1..1" interface="" name="MqttService" policy="static" unbind="unsetMqttService"/>> </pre>
*** implement the methods in the named class (this case ''org.openhab.binding.marlinfireplace.internal.MarlinFireplaceHandlerFactory'') <pre>public void setMqttService(MqttService mqttService) {}; public void unsetMqttService(MqttService mqttService) </pre>
== Node-RED ==
* install the openhab node-red flow
* npm install node-red-contrib-npm <-- wrap npm modules into node-red module
* for zomeminder access to video: